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  苏联 约瑟夫·维萨里奥诺维奇·斯大林(Иосиф Виссарионович Джугашвили; Сталин,1879年12月9日(儒略历12月21日)—1953年3月5日,"At United Nations headquarters, the flags of all 60 member nations were taken down, and the sole flag of the U。

  N。 fluttered at half-mast。"(

印度 莫罕达斯·卡拉姆昌德·甘地(Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi),1869年10月2日—1948年1月30日:"The United Nations flew the flag at half mast, and the Security Council cancelled all meetings to pay their respects to Gandhi。

巴勒斯坦 亚西尔·阿拉法特 亚西尔·阿拉法特(阿拉伯语:ياسر عرفات,英语:Muhammad Abd ar-Rauf al-Qudwah al-Husayni/Yasser Arafat,1929年8月24日—2004年11月11日),"UN flag at half mast for Arafat Annan gives 'special

tribute' at General Assembly"(

教宗/教皇 若望·保禄二世(拉丁语Ioannes Paulus PP。

   II ,有译作约翰·保罗二世,原名卡罗尔·约泽夫·沃伊蒂瓦(Karol Józef Wojtyła)"The UN flag is at half-mast today, in observance of the Popes passing, UN agency heads paid tribute to the Pope John Paul II and the Security Council today observed one minutes silence in memory of the Pope。

民主刚果 朗·卡比拉总统 (Laurent-Désiré Kabila) 1939年11月27日—2001年1月18日,:"On Tuesday, the UN flag will be flown at half mast in observance of official mourning for the late President of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Laurent Desire Kabila, whose funeral will take place that day in Kinshasa。

   As is the custom, no other flags will be flown that day。"(

沙特阿拉伯 法赫德·本·阿卜杜勒-阿齐兹国王 1869年10月2日—1948年1月30日, :"Today, the UN flag is at half-mast in honor of the late King。

摩纳哥 兰尼埃三世 The UN flag is flying at half mast today in observance of the official mourning for His Serene Highness Prince Rainier of Monaco, whose funeral is being held today。

叙利亚 阿萨德总统 Today, the UN flag outside Headquarters in New York is being flown at half-mast, in observance of the official mourning for President Hafez al-Assad of Syria。

多哥 埃亚德马总统 The UN flag at UN Headquarters were flown at half-mast today in observance of the official mourning of President Eyadema。

多米尼加 皮埃尔·查尔斯总理

The UN flag was at half mast today, because of the death of Pierre Charles, Prime Minister and Minister for Finance and Planning of the Commonwealth of Dominica, on January 6。

马其顿 鲍里斯·特拉伊科夫斯基,前总统 The UN flag is being flown at half mast today, and the other flags outside UN headquarters are not flying, to mark the United Nations official mourning following the death Thursday of President Boris Trajkovski of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia。

尼泊尔 比兰德拉国王、迪彭德拉国王 The United Nations flag is at half-mast and no national flags are flying at headquarters today in observance of the official mourning for Their Majesties King Birendra Bir Bikram Shah Dev and King Dipendra Bir Bikram Shah Dev of the Kingdom of Nepal。

克罗地亚 图吉曼总统 The Secretary-General has sent a letter to the Acting President of Croatia, Vlatko Pavletic, expressing his condolences to the people and Government of Croatia on the passing of President Franjo Tudjman Friday night。

   There are no flags flying in front of UN Headquarters today, except the UN flag, which is at half-mast。

图瓦卢 艾奥纳塔纳总理 The UN flag flying outside Headquarters is at half mast today, and no other flags are flying outside the building, to mark the official mourning for the late Prime Minister of Tuvalu, Ionatana Ionatana, who passed away on December 8。

格鲁吉亚 祖拉布·日瓦尼亚总理(格鲁吉亚语:ზურაბ ჟვანია;斯拉夫语:Зураб Жвания英语:"Zurab Zhvaynya" U。

  N。 FLAG AT HALF-MAST AS PART OF MOURNING FOR GEORGIAN PRIME MINISTER: The UN flag is flying at half mast today, in observance of the official mourning for the Prime Minister of Georgia, Zurab Zhvania, who passed away tp://

瑙鲁 多威约戈总统 The United Nations flag is being flown at half-mast today。

   This is to observe the official mourning for the President of Nauru, Bernard Dowiyogo, who died on tp://

瑞士航空111号班机 a sign of mourning, the United Nations flag will be flown at half-mast at the Geneva Office on Friday。


  InNewYork,theUNflagflewathalfmasttodayinhonorofthevictims。From12: UNHeadquarters,DeputySecretary-GeneralLouiseFrechetteledaserviceduringwhichshepaidtributetothosewholosttheirlivesinamissiontoimprovethelivesofothers。

  (undh/1999/ ml)

911恐怖袭击受难者 "The UN flag is at half-mast today to mark yesterday's horrific terrorist attacks in the United States。

   "( At 8:46 this morning, a solitary United Nations Security Officer lowered the United Nations flag to half-mast as part of an international day of remembrance for the victims of the terror attacks of September 11。

联合国维和部队 The UN flag at Headquarters is flying at half-mast today, to officially mourn the killing of the peacekeepers。

   ( UN flag has been at half-mast at the Headquarters in New York since Tuesday afternoon, while the UN Office in Nairobi held an event to show solidarity with their colleagues in Baghdad, which some 600 staff attended。






既不是空前 也不是绝后




按外交的礼仪 周就是国家对外最高的官员


假如小泉今天死了 联合国一样要降旗



100年后 周也许会黯淡 而他们不会

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