
网编 270 0

    415协议起源于1999年,是美国研究生院理事会就学校所录取新生的回复期限所做出的规定:《关于研究生院学者、研究人员、新生和助理的决议》。由于该决议以每年的 4 月 15 日 作为接受或拒绝录取的最终期限,因此常被简称为“415 协议“。


  Acceptance of an offer of financial support (such as a graduate scholarship, fellowship, traineeship, or assistantship) for the next academic year by a prospective or enrolled graduate student completes an agreement that both student and graduate school expect to honor。

   In that context, the conditions affecting such offers and their acceptance must be defined carefully and understood by all parties。

  Students are under no obligation to respond to offers of financial support prior to April 15; earlier deadlines for acceptance of such offers violate the intent of this Resolution。

   In those instances in which a student accepts an offer before April 15, and subsequently desires to withdraw that acceptance, the student may submit in writing a resignation of the appointment at any time through April 15。

   However, an acceptance given or left in force after April 15 commits the student not to accept another offer without first obtaining a written release from the institution to which a commitment has been made。

   Similarly, an offer by an institution after April 15 is conditional on presentation by the student of the written release from any previously accepted offer。

   It is further agreed by the institutions and organizations subscribing to the above Resolution that a copy of this Resolution should accompany every scholarship, fellowship, traineeship, and assistantship offer。

  1) 适用对象:


  2) 执行对象:

  美国的部分学校(school list详见。


  3) 主要内容:


  4月15日之后,在没有原学校允许的情况下,学生不能擅自接受其他学校的录取,否则原学校有权通知所有遵循4? 15协议的大学都拒绝你入学。

  4) 制约目的:



  5) 执行力度:



  6) 额外建议:




标签: #学校 #协议 #nbsp #学生

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