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简易热带鱼饲料的做法 英语作文

热带鱼的饲养如果缸子做好了,制作鱼饲料应该比较简单,试论一二: African fish if feed in jar already, theway to make out fish food should be simple, let me try to make sence: (简章)小毳的鱼饲料 (simple) Fish food 食物配备,简单的说,初级选..

从英语班到大河坝 我的成长经历作文1300字

小时候我英语学的不好,忧心的父母把我送到就近的英语培训班学习。 从此,我的童年课外学习生活从这里开始了。刚开始还好,老师每天用极其温和的口气提问问题;下课了,几个同学肆无忌惮地在走廊里跑跳、打闹,还可以下楼去买自己喜欢吃的东西。感觉过得很是..



一节英语课 难忘的英语课作文500字

这次期末考试我英语考得不好,看着爸爸、妈妈失望的表情,我的心情特别糟糕。我决定在暑假期间抓紧时间把英语给补一补。 我在我的一个好朋友家里学英语,一开始老师就分别给我们每个同学取了一个英文名字,我叫Cindy(辛蒂)。老师一下子就把我们带进了一个奇..

一次难忘的英语活动 让我难忘的英语活动300字作文

今天,我们班举行了一场别开生面的攀登英语中期展示活动。我和连璐是小主持人。爸爸知道了,一大早坐火车从亳州赶回来绿茶英语,为我加油助威。我又紧张又激动。许多家长也陆续来到了我们班,我们班可真热闹呀! 表演开始了,大家都献出了自己最拿手的英语节目。家长..

Doing Housework 写做家务的英语作文

Doing Housework It is our duty to help parents do housework ,and it is also a duty as a member of the family. For me, I always wash dishes after dinner. Sometimes I sweep the floor on weekends, but my mother does that more of the time. At..

Housework 关于做家务的英语作文

Housework Doing housework is a kind of exercise for us.So I do housework every day and I like to do housework. I usually cook meals for myself.Because my parents are busy with their work.So that,I have to cook meals by myself.Besides that,..

My Dad 我的父亲英语作文

Unlike most people, I dont have a sweet home, since I have to say my father is not very good. Half the time he was gone. The other half he would drink all night and tell me I am worthless, that I would never amount to anything. I think he..

My English teacher 我的英语老师英语作文

My English teacher and all English teacher have on..

My Friend 我的朋友英语作文

Hi!My name is Nancy White.Im a middle school student. I have a good friend.Her nanme is Zhong Zicheng.Her telephone number is She likes purple and red.She is friendly...

My good friend 我最好的朋友英语作文

I have a good friend.He is a boy.His name is LiMing.He comes from Beijing but now lives in Nanjing with his parents.He has short hair. He is very tall. He studies at SunShine Middle School. He likes all the lessons at his new school.And he is goo..

How to feed Holand pig 写荷兰猪的英语作文

Holand pig is a small and cute animal. Pigs are big and strong, but this pig is smaller size. Its head looks like rat, so is called ‘dolphin rat’. Holand pig normally is colorful, it is black, white, black and white, yellow black and whi..

去英语班 难忘的英语课200字作文

昨天,我要去英语课后班。我到了英语班之后,我看见有一些小朋友边吃零食边看书。我还看到和我在一个托管班的同学了呢? 老师一来,同学们把零食都收了起来,和老师一起大声朗读课文。 上课了,老师是先点名,然后又安排了许多任务,例如:旁边两个人对着抢..

Fun Time 做家务的英语作文

We have already been junior high school students. It means we have grown up. we should help parents do housework. Doing housework is good for our health. I like doing housework. Because doing housework can improve my ability. I often wash..

儿子的新英语老师 一位家长的随笔日记600字

这次中秋节放假回来,儿子说他们的英语老师换了。原来的英语老师去一所山里的学校支教去了,我猜也许是为了评职称的缘故吧。 “那么现在教你们英语的老师,男的还是女的?年轻人还是中年人?”我问儿子,到了毕业班,临时换一门主课老师,对孩子学习不是不是..


在九月一日教师节,马云退休了阿里巴巴。他又回到曾经,去教书了。 马云在很久以前,是一个英语老师,很平凡普通的英语老师。他以前数学特别差,勉勉强强才考上高中,大学。在他没成功之前,英国一个记者采访他,问他最想干嘛,他不假思索回答,他想改变世界..

Let's do exercise together 健康的生活英语作文

As we all know, its important for us to do exercise. Doing exercise can not only help us keep fit, but also help to train a persons character.It can make us feel relaxed and energetic. When we go to school, we can go by bike or on foot. In..

Stephen Hawking 介绍史蒂芬霍金的英语作文

Ladies and gentlemen, its my great honor to make a speech here. I am member of Shenzhen Science Club.I am terribly sorry to hear that Stephen Hawking passed away on March 14th, 2018.So id like to introduce this brilliant scientist to all o..

My favorite book 我最爱的书英语作文

There are many kinds of books in the world.The Old Man And Sea is my favorite book. The writer of the book is Ernest Hemingway. He won the Nobel Price for Literature in 1954 because of his book. The book tells us that we shouldnt give up a..

英语作文 我的假期

This holiday, I went on a trip with my best friend.It was cold in the morning, but hot at noon.We went to mount emei. It was very beautiful.We talked to monkeys there. Monkeys are very interesting!They are not afraid of strangers, especia..



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