救人一命!听懂飞机起飞前的安全提示真的很有必要...... | 慧读英语

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Ladies and gentlemen:We will take off immediately. Please be seated,(1) fasten your seatbelt, close your tray table, and put your seat back to the(2) upright (3) position. If you are sitting beside a window, please help us by opening the sunshades. Please(4) ensure that all of your(5) portable electronic(6) devices are(7) switched into flight mode and WIFI is switched off. This is a non-smoking flight, please do not smoke on(8) board. Now flight(9) attendants will start safety check.Thank you for your(10) cooperation!





(1) fasten [ˈfæsən] v. 使固定;系紧

e.g. We shall be landing shortly. Please fasten your seatbelts.


(2) upright [ˈʌpraɪt] adj. 垂直的

e.g. He was sitting on an upright chair beside his bed, reading.

(3) position [pəˈzɪʃən] n. 位置

e.g. A man in my position has nothing to fear from a nobody like you.

(4) ensure [ɪnˈʃʊr] v. 确保

e.g. The rules are there to ensure everyone's safety and enjoyment.

(5) portable [ˈpɔrtəbl] adj. 便携式的

e.g. A portable machine or device is designed to be easily carried or moved.

(6) device [dɪˈvaɪs] n. 装置;设备

e.g. Operation of the device is extremely (极其地) simple.

(7) switch [swɪtʃ] v. 转换 / n. 开关

e.g. Which switch do I press to turn it off?

(8) board [bɔrd] n. 木板;甲板 / v. 上(交通工具)

e.g. All 269 people on board the plane were killed.

(9) attendant [əˈtend(ə)nt] n. 服务员

e.g. The flight attendant showed us to our seats.

(10) cooperation [kəʊˌɒpəˈreɪʃn] n. 合作

e.g. There is a need for understanding and cooperation in order to close the deal.

标签: #起飞 #飞机 #便携

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