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关于”介绍人物“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目: 。以下是关于介绍人物的初一英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。


for many years and out of Los in . A 's fans will find that his name is the same as that of the Da Vinci, but his name is when he was not born. He left his and 's trip to Italy and the local Da Vinci .

his visit, was in Du Zili his a few feet and to be in the 's , so his named him "". Later, he that Da Vinci would have . His , Irene, was a .

His hair and face were made by his and . was born in . His had , but , he was a The of his did not give him any that would his .

He lived with his all the time, while his spent the . His took care of him all the time. He went to work in a film, and his with him.

At the same time, even after the , his and kept a close with In the of Romeo and , he a new "Romeo" image. In this old full of and , his was "" by . In Romeo, , , and were into one, him the "most and " But , who broke the box in the and the rest of the world, a box bomb at the end of the like a ” the world, a young, and man in front of as a and big boy.

Now he has the most star in the world.




My , I have a great , she is very about me in my life and study. When I was young, she got up early to make for me, she my , but now, she tells me to do it by she I am old , and she my . When I my , she it , out the error.

He was very and me to rub a layer of love to my 's ..




Her name is Li min. she is a of grade. Her are and .

Her hobby is . She sings and . She has good in all .

But when she first went to , she had in . She made great in . She was to help in the for the Games and Yan Yi's self-, who won the first place.



标签: #高分 #人物 #画家 #电影 #票房

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