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Given the blow-out and iPads sales Apple (AAPL) in its 2011 -- up 128% and 111% year over year, -- the Wall we've that to slow in the that ends . They think Apple's Q1 2013 is going to be what they call a "tough ," and they're , on , for year-over-year unit sales of 28% for the and 48% for the iPad.

But some of the data in from sales that those may be too . In :

that 17 Apple iOS and (GOOG) were on Day, up 250% from 2011. , ,doesn't tell us how many of those were and how many were .

's data was more . It a "very appy" Day that saw on Apple's App Store 87% year over year. While less than the 3X in 2011, it a bump in unit sales that the is .

One more stat, this one , which ad from ' in the pre- week of Dec. 8-14. Their data are shown, as usual, on a scale of 100 iPad ."-seven of the web in North is by iPad," is how 'sGabe the chart below.'sJohn puts it in terms:

"For every 100 web on an iPad, a gets 5, a gets 3, and a gets 0.22"



调研公司 报告称,圣诞节当天,共有1,700万台iOS和谷歌()安卓设备被激活,同比增长了250%。不过,很可惜,的报告并未详细说明安卓与苹果设备各自的激活量。


另外一项统计数据来自移动广告网站,该网站统计了圣诞节之前的12月8日- 14日期间,各大制造商的平板设备产生的广告曝光次数。数据与往常一样,以iPad产生100次曝光为标准来衡量。的加布·多恩尼尼对下图的解释是:“北美地区87%的平板电脑网络流量通过iPad产生”。而科技博客的约翰·科伊特赛的解读更加直白:


Given the blow-out and iPads sales Apple (AAPL) in its 2011 -- up 128% and 111% year over year, -- the Wall we've that to slow in the that ends . They think Apple's Q1 2013 is going to be what they call a "tough ," and they're , on , for year-over-year unit sales of 28% for the and 48% for the iPad.

But some of the data in from sales that those may be too . In :

that 17 Apple iOS and (GOOG) were on Day, up 250% from 2011. , ,doesn't tell us how many of those were and how many were .

's data was more . It a "very appy" Day that saw on Apple's App Store 87% year over year. While less than the 3X in 2011, it a bump in unit sales that the is .

One more stat, this one , which ad from ' in the pre- week of Dec. 8-14. Their data are shown, as usual, on a scale of 100 iPad ."-seven of the web in North is by iPad," is how 'sGabe the chart below.'sJohn puts it in terms:

"For every 100 web on an iPad, a gets 5, a gets 3, and a gets 0.22"


标签: #苹果

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