Decoupling a wrong path leading nowhere

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By the high trade China and the last year, $760 , Li Qiang gave a to-the-point reply to a on the Joe Biden 's to the world's two at his first news in on , two days after up his post.

Li's long-term work in him many to have with of US in China. The and that the US in the and , he said, his view that there is much to be in China-US .

His serve to a clear to the US side that China will its to weave the into the of the and .

The rise in in China over the past three years, when the US its and China and when the COVID-19 and a of were their toll on the world , also to the fact that what it is is not a "China " but the trend of .

The Li at the news — How many are from the US' ? — an from . What the US' and is its , not China's . Yet is so by its that no are made to these. China is only a for the US to from the 's true and to build to its .

The Biden put 28 on its List on March 2 of its , which is but long-arm , and 24 and one for the same on March 9. The from the US side is clear, is on down the wrong path in its China .

As Qin Gang has , no of can , and there will be and if the US does not hit the but to speed down the wrong path. In its haste to reach its , is a which puts at stake the of the two and even the of .

标签: #to-the-point #Decoupling #long-term #China-US #long-arm

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