Breaking Down The Man Code: What Turns M

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Down The Man Code

“What Turns Men On?"

Let me start by thank you for the time to read this . if you enjoy it, be sure to hit the like on the of the page so we know to bring you more like this. Enjoy the !

to the first of my new , “ Down The Man Code”. These will be to the found in my “ Love In China” . , these ones are women men , why we do, think and act the way we do. , it will also help men these too, as many men do , but don’t know why.

For those who are my of the “ Love In China” , do not worry. The is still and will to be .

For the , “ Down The Man Code” will every -. The “ Love In China” will every , also in the after- time.

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I am also happy to say I have just and my new page which I will you will a QRC and link below. You may need to open it on a , not in or a to have it load.

, for those not with it, will allow me to do new . It me to give my more and more on you see here. is that you, my can offer that you want to hear about and I will do the , and more to get your out. Come on over to my page after this .

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Also, keep alert for else soon to . I am on both a and live which will play via very soon. Stay tuned in for more on this.

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every day I spend time in shops here in and I am on my novel, one of my or and doing and for the .

On of this past week, I met , one of which was a lady. We had a very and about our talk, she asked me which is the basis of today’s . We were about her and her ’s love life and how it was not what it was like . So, she to know, what gets men , what turns us on.

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I know that right now there are many men and some very “” men and some women they know. , you may be by what you read here today. Well, let’s not waste any more time and start you all, what turns men on.

Let’s get .

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To the of what turns men on, we must first that many women also want to know;

“How to get my man to my needs, wants and ?”

To the of what man, we must first, as , look at the woman.

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We all that most women want a man who can and does their needs. Often women will drop hints here and there, for their man to pick up on them and use those hints to their needs to do what they want.

It is not or even fair for the man. Men do not, “Speak Hint”. Men need women to be when with them about what you want and not being the bush with your and ideas.

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, next time you are in this type of , try being but try to your with this;

“You know what would turn me on?”

It is a fact, start any with this and any man will stop what they’re doing and you will have 100% of their .

You want to know what turns all men on?It’s the , “turns me on”.

Every man has their sense of worth hard-wired to their to to you, , and . This is where our sense of worth comes from. It’s our to make you happy, our to all your needs.

I made a in one of my and it is so true;

“If my wife isn't happy, then no one is going to be happy!”

, what we are at is “”. This is the art of , and with your man, so he knows how to serve you . , men will jump at the to their woman more.

we go onto the last part, I want to stop and thank all of you for this . I hope you are the topic and . If you do, don't to hit the like at the end of this , share it with on your and it in your . Also, go ahead and below so can know what you think.

Now, let’s get back to you man.

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Now, there are two other that will help turn a man on very .

The first is;

“Can you help me with this?”

Again, this one works you are into the need your man has to take care of you, you and he feels .

The is;

“You want to know what would make me happy?”

The one is best for a where the of, “You want to know what turns me on?” is not for. So, in those , you can use this . It still has a on the way your man will .

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I told you at the that the in this of what turns men on might you. Did it? Was I right? Let me know in the below and of , never to hit the like as well as share this with your , in your and in your .

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As I at the , here is the QRC and link to my page. Once you the like at the , a and this , then come on over and check out my page and start your .

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Until next time, I’m Di Shan, this is , and I hope you, and your have a good read and good times .

Do you feel you have some more ideas that be on this list? Leave a below and let us all know.

While you are at it, go ahead and give us a like and why not share this with your and .

If you truly this and the I have done, and want to see more in the , feel free to scan the QRC below and to help these . , give you can; it is all very much. with the most get made more of.

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Di Shan, July 20th, 2018

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标签: #down #breaking

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