WordPress 3.9 Beta 1发布了

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  WordPress 3.9 Beta 1已经发布了,在之前的文章中我们提到过WordPress 3.9 的一些新功能,正式版本将会在4月15号发布。3.9 beta 1更新内容:

  最新版本的TinyMCE 4.0.18,这是在二月的最后一周。原始版4有一个伟大的新面貌,而在WordPress 3.9 TinyMCE编辑器看起来就像以前的版本。唯一显着的变化在编辑器是他们已经删除了“粘贴文字”按钮,添加工具提示的作用。另外,牵引自由编辑模式不再醒来在移动除非是在编辑工具栏。他们还从视觉编辑删除颜色选择器选择。





  The latest TinyMCE 4.0.18 version, which came out in the last week of February. The original TinyMCE 4 has a great new look, while the TinyMCE in WordPress 3.9 looks just like the previous version of the editor. The only notable change in the editor is that they have removed the “Paste from Word” button and has added tool tip effect. Plus, distraction free editing mode no longer wakes up on the moves move unless it’s in the toolbar of the editor. They have also removed color picker option from the visual editor.

  The 3.9 Beta has added Widget Customizer to the core, which we also reported in our 3.9 feature list. With Widget Customizer, you can easily edit widgets of your website very easily. You can take a look at the Widget Customizer at this link.

  This new release also brings 3.8′s beautiful new theme browsing experience to the theme installer.

  Galleries now receive a live preview in the editor. You can now drag-and-drop images directly onto the editor to upload them, something similar to Facebook’s drap-and-drop feature. Some things got improved around editing images as well. Plus, an all new audio/video playlists feature has been added.

  哈哈,好吧,还是看不懂,WordPress 3.9 Beta 1下载地址!你可以在本地进行调试,切勿正式运行!原文链接:/,尊重他人劳动成果,转载请注明。

标签: #功能 #编辑器 #编辑 #版本 #主题

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