Invisible Strike is going on in Gruondfos China 无形的控诉还在进行(转载)

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  Grundfos pump, one of the world’s leading pump manufacturers, one of the supplier of 2008 Beijing Olypics Game… For the past ten years, Grundfos China has been keeping the status as one of the best employer in China and in Chinese employee’s heart, as well as very good reputation in many customers’eye… But this dreamland is vanished, who destroy it?..


  Strike broke out in Grundfos pump Suzhou manufactory on 2 Feb 2010, but suspended on 4 Feb 2010, due to the high pressure from the company and government… Believe or not, the invisible srike is still going on and more and more people join in, including Grundfos employee in Shanghai, Beijing, Guangzhou…


  The flash piont was that Humphrey Lau( Newly one board Vice President of Grundfos China )and his management team decided to cancell almost all the benefits and bonus, and no salary reviw for employee in 2010, without any formal and reasonable explanation… A very brave guy in Suzhou manufactory stood up and asked the new on board Tanwaniese boss, “My salary is RMB 1200, I have my wife and babe to raise, and the Chinese new year is coming, how do you feel if you were me? Any pressure?”But what he got from the boss was only Affront,“I will never be you, as such low class worker and get this low pay.”

  BG的导火线是新上任的CEO Humphrey(丹麦籍香港人)和他的管理团队取消了所有格兰富员工的几乎所有的福利,在业绩基本完成指标的情况下,取消年终奖,在新的一年取消工资回顾,并迟迟没有给出正式的合理的解释。苏州工厂线上一位勇敢的兄弟在与工厂新任生产总监提出疑问时“我的工资只有1200元人民币,但是我有老婆和孩子要养,又快过年了,没有奖金,不涨工资,如果你是我,你会有什么感觉?”但是这位勇敢的兄弟得到的只是侮辱。生产总监给他的回答是“我永远不会沦落到你这种地步”。

  No fomal apology from the Humphrey and his management team until today… Don’t froget there is a word named “Human Right”… We will fight for our right back, as well as our deserved benefit.

  直到今天,Humphrey和他的领导层(包括当事人生产总监)都没有对此做出道歉。老板们, 别忘了,我们也是人,也需要基本的尊重,我们会为我们应得的一切斗争下去。

  No mean to insult Humphrey Lau and his management team, as per the Domino Effect Theory, we can easily know that The Strike is only the tip of the iceberg, let’s look inside what Humphrey Lau and his management team do…

  无意挑战 Humphrey 和他管理团队的权威,但是我想说的是,正如多米诺骨牌理论说揭示的,我们所可以看到的仅仅只是冰山一角。那么让我们来深入看看这一专业的团队都做了什么吧。

  1. Cancell all the benefits and bonus for the employee,… 取消了员工的几乎所有的福利和年终奖金

  The excuse you give us is that you want to motive employee in a professional way, not only with the little money…


  But Where Is The PROFESSIONAL? 嘿,你的专业在哪里?

  Is that you and your manmagement team have a big deal of benefis, travel around with First Class, live in 5 Star hotel, and eat in the best restaurat?

  是不是就是你们领导层拿着高薪水(Humphrey 1000万?你招的N 个大大小小,有用没用的总监各300万?),并享受着极高的待遇,出门坐头等仓,住5星级的酒店,到各地出差都寻觅当地最地道最好的餐馆?

  2. Drive away all the Senior Director and manager. 驱逐当年与陈总一起打天下,将格兰富扎根在中国的老臣,总监和经理

  The excuse you give is that you want to build up a professional organization chart…


  But Where is The PROFESSIONAL? 嘿,你的专业在哪里?

  Is that you hire a 1980’s lady as the Strategic Director and this lady get pregancy and go to give birth babe, before she get familiar with what kinds of pump we produce?


  Do you dare to let sb to investigate the relationship between you and the consulting/hunting company? And invite the outside controller to check your Claim?


  3. Overthrow all the old SOP and the Philosophy that we depend on for development for 10 year. 你否定了在公司之前的操作流程/规章制度,以及让格兰富在中国短短十年间得以发展壮大的“信,爱,家庭”理念。

  The excuse you give is that you will build up a more professional interal operation procedure?


  But Where is The PROFESSIONAL? 嘿,你的专业在哪里?

  Is that the SOP published several weeks before, like a guildline for the prisoner and nobody understand your purpose?


  Humphrey Lau, We trusted you before when you on board, you would be a professional boss。But why we can hear the rumor that you have affair with you personal Assistant? “An empty hole invites the wind”?


  Humphrey Lau, please be brave enough to stand out to apologize, give us a reasonable explaination, if you are sincere enough, you still have the chance to win your people back…


  To be continued…


  Anybody, who stand in the side of Justice, pls give me a hand , let’s fight like a team, let as many people read this as possible.


标签: #格兰富 #员工 #专业 #总监 #中国