can be able to 样的说法对吗?

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不对,can = be able to,重复使用谓语

Be able to is not a modal auxiliary verb. We include it here for convenience, because it is often used like "can" and "could", which are modal auxiliary verbs.

We look at be able to here because we sometimes use it instead of can and could.


be able to 是能够..,有机会...,有能力...

can be able to 能够做到的意思

如果你在" "找的话,You can be able to see a lot of sentences.


1 如把can 翻译为“罐头”,can 是名词,那这句话的意思是“罐头能够....”,就成了说明罐头的功用了。是正确的。

2 如果把二者都看作是“能够”,有重复的味道。

3 如果把can当作情态动词,而be able to 是个动词,从语法的角度来说是正确的,情态动词后可以跟动词,合乎语法。翻译的时候can就没有实际意义,不必翻译。


不对,can是能够的意思,be able to是能够的意思,两者放在一起不能使用,出现重复了

标签: #罐头 # #意思 #动词 #情态

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