【杭州】顶级美资软件公司 内推韩语翻译

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  【杭州】顶级美资软件公司 内推Language Translator/Linguist (Korean)



  MicroStrategy目前拥有超过2000名员工,分布在全球20多个不同的国家和地区。公司总部设立在美国首都华盛顿附近;2007年8月在杭州成立中国技术中心,目前拥有员工近300人 。


  美资外企, 上班不打卡,弹性工作制。工作轻松福利优渥。

  work life balance, 工作氛围好,环境佳,每天研磨咖啡,新鲜水果,私教上门授课那是标配!


  招聘岗位 :

  Language Translator/Linguist (Korean)


  工作地点: 杭州

  Job Description

  The Role:

  Our Technical Publications team is looking for a Simplified Chinese native speaker to work out of our office in Hangzhou, China. You will bear final responsibility for the quality of translations of MicroStrategy content into Simplified Chinese.

  MicroStrategy is expanding its global engineering presence, by establishing a Technology Center in Hangzhou, China. We are looking for talented individuals to fill a variety of roles within our Technology team to support our Server, Client, Technical Publications, and Internationalization teams.

  Your Focus:

  • Perform localization tasks related to GUI strings, product documentation, education, website, and product marketing, as needed

  • Build and manage terminology resources such as glossaries, style guides, and translation memory files

  • Recruit, train, and manage a team of qualified freelance translators that can be engaged should volume and time constraints require it

  • Edit and perform quality control on freelancers’ output and on translations delivered by vendors in the past

  • Apply changes to preferred terminology in the locations in which our linguistic assets are stored (string databases, Flare projects) to achieve consistency


  Required Experience and Skills:

  Motivation, Innovation, Passion, Integrity, Teamwork, Customer-Focus

  You should also bring the following:

  • Native or near native language proficiency

  • At least 2 years’ experience working in the localization industry

  • A Master’s degree in translation studies or localization preferred

  • Familiarity with Korean software terminology and the software development process in general

  • Familiarity with at least one CAT tool essential

  • Familiarity with Madcap Flare™ or SQL a major plus

  • Obsessively dedicated to quality and ensuring that the localization activities they oversee optimally support sales in Korean-speaking markets

  • Able to manage their time successfully in an environment with many competing priorities

  • An outstanding communicator, also across time zones


  343471829@qq.com,需要中英文简历,邮件及简历标题格式: 姓名_申请职位,并且附上3-4句用第三人称的英文自我介绍。

  保证24 小时内反馈。简历符合标准立即开始内推流程,一经上传内部系统,应聘者会收到系统确认邮件。如非常fit, 会额外邮件形式转发HR。 1周内会收到在线测评,通过则1-2 周内会收到面试通知。

  网申地址: (自带内推码,但还是建议联系楼主手动内推)


标签: #全球 #简历 #美国 #员工 #邮件