
网编 372 0


If receiving part rejected to receive the goods without any reasonable excuse , they should commit all the loses from the delievery and the fines from the concerned traffic officials.

Carry out deliver goods or the product that generation transports refuse without reason to receive goods, agree the fine of loss and the door of Department of Transportation that dan(50kg) causes therefore.

If the goods being delivered or being delivered by other substitution side is refused to pick up by no reasons, you should be responsible for the losses caused by it and accept the penalties issued by the transportation unit.

标签: #罚金。 If receiving part rejected to receive the goods without any reasonable excuse #they should commit all the loses from the delievery and the fines from the concerned traffic officials. Carry out deliver goods or the product that generation transports refuse without reason to receive goods #agree the fine of loss and the door of Department of Transportation that dan #运输 #部门 #损失 #50kg) causes therefore. If the goods being delivered or being delivered by other substitution side is refused to pick up by no reasons #you should be responsible for the losses caused by it and accept the penalties issued by the transportation unit

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